Thank you to local businesses

Our very own Karan McKerrow has recently joined a local business networking group with great support. This is Karan’s address to the group: 

“This is a testimonial addressed to everyone in the room and to those members of the BNI Lynnovation Chapter who cannot be here today.

Since we joined your Chapter as your chosen Charitable group a few months ago, you have opened your arms to us and made us feel extremely welcome. Everyone here has been so kind and generous towards us and our fundraising. As you know, we’ve started from scratch, so any links, introductions and referrals to others have proven very useful; thank you.

We also hope that you will find being connected to us increases your understanding of the autistic world. Each of you here should be very proud of your profession – you all work so hard, yet you make the time to offer support, advice, help and friendship to others. You all bring something unique and valuable to the table.

All the members and the Board of Trustees at the West Norfolk Autism Group offer you our sincere thanks and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.”

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